Instagram - Yoganette Yoga Studio ॐ

Practice with us all week long from home! This week's live schedule has been posted and we now have a class everyday! 😀 Monday 6PM . Tuesday 10AM . Wednesday 5PM . Thursday 10AM . Friday 11AM . Saturday 10AM . Sunday 10AM . Get your yoga on! 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️ Please sign up through our website. Hope to see you online! #yoga #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #practicewhereyouare #homepractice #yogateacher #yogastudent #onlineyoga #liveyoga

Join us online for yoga everyday this week! Sign up through the schedule on our website. 🧘🏻‍♀️ . Monday 12pm. Tuesday 10am. Wednesday 5pm. Thursday 10am. Friday 12pm. 🙌 👍 🙏🏼 . #yogaonline #liveyoga #practiceon #yogaathome #togetherapart

This week, rather than planning all the things you'll do, start by feeling all the things you are. ❤ 🙏🏼 🧘🏻‍♀️ #takeyourtime #getintoyourbody #relaxyourmind #meditate #practiceyoga #connectwithyourself

Catch yourself just staring out the window like we are? It's an unusual time and we may crave human interaction and normalcy, but let's stay inside and make the best of it ❤ You can also check us out on Youtube and join us for a little bit of movement to keep the body feeling good. Just look up "Yoganette Yoga Studio." 😊 Take care and stay healthy friends 🙏🏼 Much ❤ #onlineyoga #practice #familiarfaces #wemissyou

It's been a stressful, confusing, and overwhelming time for all of us. But we're in this together ❤ For the safety and health of our community, we will not be having any public classes at the studio for the next 2 weeks. We are in the process of figuring out the best ways to stay connected (maybe livestream and online classes??) so that we can continue to practice together. In the meantime, please practice kindness 🙏🏼 we love you guys! #practice #kindness #wereinthistogether


A big thank you to all our amazing participants! It was absolutely wonderful to see your photos! Thank you for sharing your practice with us and for making this summer challenge one to remember! These lucky 6 are still in the drawing for the Grand Prize ~ a 1 Month Pass of unlimited classes! Good luck! The drawing will take place Friday, stay tuned for the winner!

Thank you awesome yogis for sharing your practice with us and thank you Audrey, Lalique, and Tracy for hosting our first ever Yoganette Summer Challenge! We loved seeing the beautiful and inspiring photos! Keep it up! Here are our Runner-Up Winners, congrats!! :)

Hello Yoganette Yogis and Happy Independence Day weekend!! 🇺🇸Can you believe we are on our last pose of our Summer Challenge!! Day 14 (7/4)- Sirsasana/ Headstand or Dolphin Pose/ headstand prep Our challenge Hostesses Audrey/ @reygardens Tracy/ @trace_asana Lalique/ @laliquekae demoing the different stages of the final challenge pose! Feel free to add a leg variation of your own! TIPS: Firm Arms. Shoulders away from ears. Widen back. Engage Belly. Hips over shoulders. Headstand: Feet flex to engage the legs BENEFITS: Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. Dolphin: Strengthens shoulders and back to prep for Headstand. Don't forget to attach Hashtag #yoganettesummerchallenge / Tag Hosts! @yoganetteyogastudio Never to late to join! Lots of cool prizes! You can take a video linking all 14 poses of the challenge! Have a fun and safe 4th!! #yoga #yoganette #summer #igyoga #yogaeveryday #yogachallenge

#YoganetteSummerChallenge Hey yogis and yoginis! Your host, @Laliquekae here for DAY 13! Our challenge is coming to an end. So bitter sweet for us all. If you're playing catch up like I am, keep posting because we see you doin' your thang out there! DAY 13 (7/3) is bound angle pose aka baddha konasana POSE TIPS Soles of feet together, outer thighs down, inner thighs up, sit bones root, spine and side bodies lengthen, open chest, roll shoulders down POSE BENEFIT Hip-opener PLAY ALONG WITH US! It isn't too late! 1. Like or follow Yoganette on Instagram or Facebook 2. Post a photo or video Summer Challenge Asana everyday or variation of it 3. Tag #YoganetteSummerChallenge and Hosts CHALLENGES PRIZES Grade Prize 🎉 1-Month Unlimited Yoga • members and non-members are eligible #yoga #yogachallenge #yoganette #yoganetteyogastudio #summer